OURF Volunteer Profile- John Page

The Orang Utan Republik's volunteer IT Chair, John Page fell in love with orangutans decades ago when at the Singapore Zoo and has been supporting the efforts of the Orang Utan Republik since before it became a foundation. While he comes from England, John has recently become an American citizen yet maintains a wonderful British accent when he speaks to people about orangutans or teaches courses in various IT subjects. John helped to develop and maintain the Orang Utan Republik Education Initiative's (OUREI) initial website while also volunteering to help set up and staff booths during our initial outreach days at the Santa Monica Farmer's Market. 


In 2006, John joined OUREI's chairman and conference chair Gary Shapiro in Sumatra to provide technical assistance for the Sumatran Orangutan Education Conference, Workshop, and Summit, held in Medan and Berstagi, North Sumatra. This event was funded by international donors, including US Fish & Wildlife, Arcus Foundation, the Australian Orangutan Project (now TOP), Shared Earth Foundation, Sea World Busch Gardens, and other donors. John ensured the video presentations and OUREI's computer systems were maintained throughout the 5-day event. 

John Page at pre-conference workshop in Sumatra 2006

Volunteer John Page supports the IT functions during the pre-conference workshop in Berstagi, Sumatra, Nov 2006.

John was instrumental in helping OURF transition its initial website from an open-source platform to a custom-made website platform used by The Orangutan Project once OURF became a fiscal sponsor for TOP-USA. He is now working on recrafting a new website to complement OURF's main website as well as supporting our upcoming No Fuss Fundraiser. John is committed to saving orangutans through OURF and we are grateful for all he has done over the many years.